Motivos de juego, predictores del juego problemático y diferencias con el consumo problemático de alcohol

  1. Javier Esparza-Reig
  2. Francisco González-Sala
  3. Manuel Martí Vilar
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Année de publication: 2021

Número: 46

Pages: 83-94

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Revista española de drogodependencias


Despite the seriousness of problem gambling, its relationship with many factors has not yet been studied. This investigation sought, on the one hand, to verify the predictability of improvement over problem gambling, with irresponsible gambling being a mediator in this relationship. In addition, we sought to analyze whether predictors of problem gambling are related to problematic alcohol use. The sample consisted of 258 adults (59.5% women) with an average age of 20.95 years (SD = 2.19). Questionnaires were applied to measure gambling addiction, alcohol addiction, reasons for gambling, depression, coping with stress, prosocial behavior, and susceptibility to framing; and correlations, multiple linear regressions and a simple mediation model were analyzed. Results indicated on the one hand that 32.45% of variance in problem gambling is explained by reasons for gambling, with the maximum amount of money bet mediating this relation. On the other hand, an integrative model that explains 16.8% of problem gambling does not work for alcohol addiction. The results provide a new explanatory model of problem gambling and emphasize the need for interventions in problem gambling to be developed in accordance with the special characteristics of this addiction. These findings are relevant in the field of health psychology for their potential contribution to prevention and intervention programs.

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