Migrantes, refugiados y tercer sector socialUn análisis del papel de las grandes ONG españolas en la gestión de fondos y políticas

  1. Lacomba Vázquez, Joan
  2. Berlanga Adell, María Jesús
Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social

ISSN: 1133-0473 1989-9971

Année de publication: 2022

Número: 29

Pages: 1-23

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/ALTERN.19307 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

D'autres publications dans: Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social


Introduction. Over the last few years, Spain has experienced an increase in its immigrant and refugee population, which has raised new care and integration needs. This task has fallen mainly on Non-Governmental Organisations that receive state funding. The same has occurred, to some degree, in other European countries affected by the crisis of welfare systems. Methodology. To obtain data on this topic, we consulted Spain’s State subsidies database. We also reviewed the decisions of the calls of the Ministry of Inclusion, Migration and Social Security regarding the financing received by five major Spanish NGOs (ACCEM, CEAR, CEPAIM, Red Cross and MPDL), through the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund. Moreover, we consulted the activity reports of these five NGOs, as well as the information contained in their webpages. Results. These five organisations recently received significant state funding, especially through calls co-financed with European funds. They have also implemented a large number of projects that have responded to the nature of the calls. Discussion. Our research shows that the action of NGOs notably depends on public funding. We also observed important limitations regarding the diversity of the implemented projects, which could affect their independence from government policies. Nevertheless, not all entities presented the same degree of alignment to them. Conclusions. Despite the constraints to which NGOs are subjected, their role is vital to guarantee the reception of the immigrant and refugee population in Spain. There is a risk, however, that they become managers of migration policies, of which they are sometimes critical themselves.

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