Prácticas culturales y espacios públicos como lugares de interacción social y políticaUn análisis del artivismo en Barcelona y València
- Ricardo Klein
- Joaquim Rius-Ulldemolins
ISSN: 1131-5598
Year of publication: 2021
Volume: 33
Issue: 3
Pages: 753-767
Type: Article
More publications in: Arte, individuo y sociedad
The development of big cities has become a global phenomenon, reducing the possibilities of generating coexistence in the social space. The current search to connect the micro-political scale of these spaces with their inhabitants reconfigures the sense of belonging to the city. This aspiration often leads to active forms of social disobedience in the public space or, in contrast, to actions that perpetuate the reproduction of conservative cultural practices. From this perspective, the present work sets out to analyze some cultural practices that place participation in the public space as the protagonist. On the one hand, artivist actions in Barcelona, whereby they seek to recognize the social problem by consolidating the public space as a place of resistance. On the other hand, the politicization of festive culture in Valencia will be analysed. Although it has tended to promote conservative festive-social visions in the public space, there are also alternative and critical views, such as experimental Fallas or alternatives Fallas. For the analysis, secondary sources will be used, mainly visual documents. For this, there is an archive of images made in situ, both from the València Fallas and from artivism in Barcelona.
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