Primary Educational Strategies in Times of Digital Curriculum

  1. Gallardo Fernández, Isabel María 1
  2. Monsalve Lorente, Laura 1
  3. Aguasanta Regalado, Miriam Elizabeth 1
  1. 1 University of Valencia.
Digital Education Review

ISSN: 2013-9144

Año de publicación: 2021

Título del ejemplar: Number 40, December 2021

Número: 40

Páginas: 66-81

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.1344/DER.2021.40.66-81 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Otras publicaciones en: Digital Education Review


Our contribution is based on the most noteworthy results of a research project focusing on teaching strategies at a time when the contents of the primary education curriculum are becoming digital. The expansion of the digital content industry is forcing a paradigm shift. In this paper we analyse the strategies implemented by teachers of the fifth and sixth year of primary school in relation with the digitisation of curricular content. With this aim, we planned our research following ethnographic methodology, analysing a period of two years of a case study. The main data collection tools we used are the analysis of the centre’s documents and website, semi-structured interviews with different participants, and direct observation of fifth and sixth year primary education classrooms.  We can infer from the analysis that technology facilitates processes of inclusion in the centre, enhancing collaborative and cooperative work. Furthermore, the use of digital devices promotes attention to diversity. The implementation of digital technologies in schools implies redefining teaching practices and teaching-learning processes.The results show that the addition of digital materials is a step forward in the centre’s attention to diversity, improving accessibility and overcoming the digital gap thanks to schools’ access to technological resources.

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