El derecho al barrio. Accesibilidad a los servicios de proximidad para las personas mayores en la ciudad de Valencia

  1. María Dolores Pitarch Garrido 1
  2. Féliz Fajardo Magraner 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/043nxc105

Transportes, movilidad y nuevas estrategias regionales en un mundo postcrsis: VIII Congreso de Geografía de los Servicios / VII Congreso de Estudios Regionales

Éditorial: Asociación de Geográfos Españoles

ISBN: 978-84-946883-6-2

Année de publication: 2018

Pages: 63-79

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


Quality of life is also defined as the possibility that citizens have access to services that provide them with physical and spiritual well-being. In the case of the elderly, the services oriented towards their care and entertainment are not minor elements, because they guarantee not only care, in particular to dependent elderly people, but also the company, especially for those people who have problems - often undetected - of loneliness. In addition, the offer of this type of services in the same neighborhood in which users reside, dramatically improves their use and their social value. The analysis of the accessibility to the proximity services for these people is, therefore, of great interest for them, but also for the public management of them. This communication analyzes the location of these services (day centers, municipal activity centers and residences) in the city of Valencia. To this end, accessibility has been calculated from the place of residence to the service offering center on foot and by public transport, using SIG and spatially detailed information (by police number or portal). The relationship between this accessibility and a series of socioeconomic variables facilitates the detection of neighborhoods with worse endowments aimed at the elderly and allows characterizing these areas in order to facilitate decision-making for public intervention.