La geometría en las decoraciones cerámicas durante el Neolítico Antiguodel VI-V milenio cal BC (VIII-VII cal BP) entre el Xúquer y el Ebre

  1. Escribá Ruiz, Mª Pilar
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Joan Bernabeu Aubán Doktorvater
  2. Salvador Pardo Gordó Doktorvater

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 29 von November von 2021

  1. Miquel Molist Montañà Präsident/in
  2. Oreto García Puchol Sekretärin
  3. António Carlos Valera Vocal

Art: Dissertation


This PhD focuses on the evolutionary dynamics during Ancient Neolithic (7600 to 6200 cal BP) in the area between the rivers Xúquer and Ebre. Therefore, we have considered as a cultural marker the ceramic registe, combined with radiocarbon dating, because both elements have proven to be very efficient in relation to the subject of this PhD. Specifically, the decorative component has been considered: technique and symmetry in the ceramic designs. For the latter, we have developed a methodological proposal for its register and evaluation, starting from the adaptation of the established procedures in Crystallography. Among the most important results, the following should be highlighted: 1) The verification of symmetry as an efficient archaeological marker for the analysis of evolutionary dynamics. In this PhD, the evidence has been correlated as well with demographic aspects (“boom and bust” pattern), territorial occupation (aggregation and dispersion) as with information transmission (network analysis). 2) A detailed analysis of the neolithic population in the area from the study of the ceramic material. The identification of some rests equivalent to the Impressa ware in the Costamar site, as well as cardial, digital and peinada materials stands out. In summary, this PhD not only presents a new methodology for the study of the decorative component and its usefulness for the analysis from an evolutionary perspective, but it also updates the archaeological information from the area between the rivers Xúquer and Ebre, a key area to understand the similarities and differences between Catalonia and the southern-central Valencian counties