Libro Blanco de la I+D en el deporte. Presentación

  1. Ramiro Pollo, José
  2. Sánchez Bañuelos, Fernando
  3. García Ferrando, Manuel
  4. Vera Luna, Pedro coord.
  5. Hernández Vázquez, José Luis coord.
Revista de biomecánica

ISSN: 1575-5622

Argitalpen urtea: 1999

Zenbakia: 22

Orrialdeak: 35-39

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de biomecánica


The article includes the complete speech of the official presentation of the White Book of R+D in Sport, by Pedro Vera (Director of the IBV), held at the Auditorium of the National Institute of Physical Education in Madrid on December 3rd.