Retóricas del momento(per) versiones (mis) antropológicas

  1. Miquel Àngel Ruiz Torres 1
  2. Albert Moncusí Ferré 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares

ISSN: 0034-7981

Year of publication: 2018

Tome: 73

Notebook: 1

Pages: 63-85

Type: Article

DOI: 10.3989/RDTP.2018.01.002 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares


While organising the 14th Congress on Anthropology on the theme of Anthropologies in trans-formation: senses, commitments and utopias, held in Valencia in September 2017, the membersof the organising committee were considering the choice of subject matter for the closing lectureand deciding which eminent anthropologist should occupy that privileged position. As we hadnobody on the programme and did not wish to trouble any of our colleagues with such an un-dertaking, we engaged in the task of creating an ad hoc character who would be sufficiently at-tractive for such a distinguished occasion. We immediately saw this as an unparalleled opportu-nity for critical reflection on academia and the exercise of anthropology. The result was the birthof one Vicent Artur, doctor in anthropology and a specialist in cultural universals, original emi-grant and itinerant native, universally Malawi-Valencian and locally a citizen of the world. Locat-ing his workplace was no easy task and the decision to place it on the shores of Lake Malawiwas taken with the intention of finding a real place in the map simulation that, by virtue of be-ing a remote and unknown university, would prove difficult for most academics to trace.We hesitated about proceeding in view of the potential ethnocentric or racist implications ofsuch a fabrication, but eventually decided to go ahead, as our anthropologist was a true Malawiat heart, fighting for his academic and professional cause just as he might have done at the cen-tre of the empire. The ideas behind the lecture evoked relevant issues for our anthropologicalZeitgeist—such as the relative weight attributed to theoretical debates in fieldwork or the com-mitment acquired by ethnographers with what they deem emancipating causes—because this wasprecisely the theme of our congress. We hope you will feel able to excuse Professor Belda ifany of these seemed inappropriate, in view of the pseudo-provocative tone invoked. And if thiswas the case, we should perhaps take note of any such discomfort to consider the location ofthese mirrors on to our anthropological soul.

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