Bibliometría e indicadores de actividad científica (VII). Indica-dores cienciométricos en Web of Science. Funciones «Analyze results» y «Create citation report»

  1. Rut Lucas Domínguez
  2. Lourdes Castelló Cogollos
  3. Andrea Sixto Costoya
  4. Francisco Javier González de Dios
  5. Rafael Aleixandre Benavent
Acta pediátrica española

ISSN: 0001-6640

Ano de publicación: 2018

Volume: 76

Número: 1-2

Páxinas: 28-34

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Acta pediátrica española


This paper presents the Web of Science Core Collection and more particularly the Science Citation Index-Expanded as a biblio-graphic database to obtain bibliometric indicators of scientific activity. An analysis of pediatric publications through Pediatrics cate-gory is performed explaining the different search options which are available in the database as well as a detailed visualization of the possible options that can be made with the results. Among the main functions offered by the Web of Science Core Collection, the «Analyze results» function is a useful tool for the calculation of scientific production indicators, and the function «Create citation report» which is related to citation impact based indicators.