El hilo de la historiadel patrimonio mueble al intangible. Rescatando el patrimonio textil sedero

  1. Ester Alba 1
  2. Mar Gaitán 1
  3. Arabella León 2
  4. Jorge Sebastián 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/043nxc105

  2. 2 Garin 1820 S.A.
I Simposio Anual de Patrimonio Natural y Cultural: ICOMOS España
  1. Lerma García, José Luis (coord.)
  2. Maldonado Zamora, Alfonso (coord.)
  3. López-Menchero Bendicho, Víctor Manuel (coord.)

Verlag: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-9048-826-3

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Seiten: 95-102

Art: Buch-Kapitel


Silk heritage belongs to the so-called integral heritage type, which means that tangible and intangible elements can be found in one piece. Moreover, silk is a living heritage strongly connected with its community. It is paradigmatic case, where its intangible elements go from literature, to mulberry farming, or traditional weaving techniques. Also, activities surrounding silk trade have left an imprint on various cities in monuments and even marking their town planning. Nowadays, silk is a living heritage in various communities and constitutes an element of creativity that can be appreciated in the current fashion trends. This paper addresses the main results of the SILKNOW project, funded by the European Union within the framework of Horizon 2020, and will give value to this heritage by proposing the elaboration of a national plan that will guarantee the safeguarding of techniques and knowledge linked to weaving techniques, through oral memory and conservation, documentation and cataloging. Within this project, we seek to understand these techniques through technology in order to make this knowledge accessible, while promoting silk knowledge among society.