Ergodic properties of operators on spaces of functions

  1. Rodríguez Arenas, Alberto
Dirigida por:
  1. Enrique Jorda Mora Director/a
  2. José Antonio Bonet Solves Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat Politècnica de València

Fecha de defensa: 21 de febrero de 2020

  1. Pablo Galindo Pastor Presidente
  2. Manuel Domingo Contreras Márquez Secretario/a
  3. Thomas Kalmes Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


The aim of this thesis is to study the ergodic properties of some operators defined on several spaces of functions. In a locally convex Hausdorff space E, an operator T\in L(E) is called power bounded if the set of its iterates is equicontinuous. The Cesàro means of T are T_[n] = 1/n (T+T^2+...+ T^m), n\in\N. The operator T is called mean ergodic if the sequence (T_[n])_n converges pointwise and it is called uniformly mean ergodic if the sequence converges uniformly on bounded sets. In Chapter 1, the multiplication operator is studied when defined on weighted spaces of continuous functions and their inductive and projective limits. We work with a Hausdorff, normal, locally compact topological space X. Given a continuous function phi (a symbol), the multiplication operator is M_ phi: f -> phi f. A continuous function v is a weight if it is strictly positive. The (Banach) weighted spaces of continuous functions are C_v:= {f\in C(X) : ||f||_v:=\sup_(x\in X) v(x)|f(x)|< infty}, C_v ^0 :={f\in C(X) : vf vanishes at infinity}, with the norm ||.||_v. The Sections 1.3 and 1.4 are devoted to inductive and projective limits of the spaces in Section 1.2. If V=(v_n)_n is a decreasing family of weights, the weighted inductive limits of continuous functions are VC=ind _n C_v_n and V_0C=ind _n C^0_v_n. If A=(a_n)_n is an increasing family of weights, the weighted projective limits of continuous functions are CA=proj_n C_a_n and CA_0=proj _n C^0_a_n. The behaviour is different for the limits of the C_v_n (resp. C_a_n) and the limits of the C^0_v_n (resp. C^0_a_n). In Section 1.5 the spectrum and the Waelbroeck spectrum are completely determined. In the final Section 1.6 the topology of the set of multipliers between projective limits is compared with the one induced by the operator topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets. The work of Chapter 2 is devoted to weighted sequence spaces and their inductive and projective limits. A sequence v=(v(i))_i \in \C^\N is called a weight if it is strictly positive. The weighted Banach spaces of sequences considered are l_p(v), 1<= p<= infty and c_0(v). Given A=(a_n)_n, a Köthe matrix, the echelon space of order 1<= p<= infty is defined by proj _n l _p (a_n) and proj _n c_0 (a_n). The co-echelon space of order 1<= p<= infty is defined, for a decreasing family of weights V=(v_n)_n, by ind_n l _p (v_n) and ind_n c_0 (v_n). In the Sections 2.2 and 2.3 ergodic and spectral properties of the multiplication operator are studied. In Section 2.4 it is characterized when the multiplication operator is bounded or compact, in similar terms than continuity. In Section 2.5, as in Section 1.6, the topology of the set of multipliers between echelon spaces is compared with the one induced by the operator topology of uniform convergence on bounded sets. Also the topology of the set of bounded multiplication operators is studied. In the final Section 2.6, the results of the previous sections are applied to the power series spaces, as particular cases of echelon spaces. Chapter 3 deals with the composition operator given by a holomorphic self-map of the complex open unit disc, when considered between different Banach spaces of holomorphic functions. If phi : \D - > \D is holomorphic, the composition operator is C_phi: f ->f o phi. In Section 3.2 necessary and sufficient conditions are given for ergodic properties of a composition operator defined on a general Banach space of holomorphic functions under the assumption of one or many of given properties. The results of Section 3.2 are applied in Section 3.3 to classical spaces of holomorphic functions, particularly, weighted Bergman spaces of infinite type H_v and H_v^0, Bloch spaces B_p and B_p ^0, Bergman spaces A^p and Hardy spaces H^p.