Tiburones de aguas profundas en el Mioceno Medio de Alicanteimplicaciones para la recuperación de los ecosistemas abisales mediterráneos después de la crisis mesiniense

  1. Martínez-Pérez, Carlos 1
  2. Carrillo-Briceño, Jorge D. 2
  3. Ferrón, Humberto G. 1
  4. Manzanares, Esther 1
  5. Herraiz, José Luis 1
  6. Hammann Yelo, Carlos
  7. Botella, Héctor 1
  1. 1 Instituto Cavanilles de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva, España
  2. 2 Universität Zürich, Suiza

ISSN: 1888-9441

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 10

Pages: 50-61

Type: Article

More publications in: Isurus


The study of the classical locality of El Chorrillo, (Serravallian, Middle Miocene) from the Alicante Province has yielded a shark assemblage characterized by microremains of at least seven taxa (Deania calcea, †Isistius triangulus, †Squaliolus cf. S. schaubi, †Paraetmopterus sp., Pristiophorus sp., Scyliorhinus sp. and a cf. Squaliformes indet) of three different orders (Squaliformes, Pristiophoriformes and Carcharhinuformes). In addition, associated macroremains have also been found, including teeth of †Cosmopolitodus hastalis, Isurus sp., Hemipristis serra, Odontaspis sp., Carcharhinus spp. and †Otodus (Megaselachus) megalodon. The assemblage contains taxa with disparate environmental preferences including not only neritic and epipelagic sharks but also an important number of meso- and bathypelagic representatives. The migration of deep water taxa to shallower waters through submarine canyons is proposed as the most plausible cause for explaining the origin of such assemblage. Interestingly, the composition of the deep-water taxa here reported contrast with the chondrichthyans assemblages from the Pliocene and extant Mediterranean communities. This entails a complex biogeographic history, where the Messinian salinity crisis strongly affected the posterior evolution of the Mediterranean ecosystems but some other factors, such us the existence of anoxic events during the Quaternary, could have also played an important role.

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