Study of a sample of faint Be stars in the exofield of CoRoT: II. Pulsation and outburst events: Time series analysis of photometric variations

  1. Semaan, T.
  2. Hubert, A.M.
  3. Zorec, J.
  4. Gutiérrez-Soto, J.
  5. Frémat, Y.
  6. Martayan, C.
  7. Fabregat, J.
  8. Eggenberger, P.
Astronomy and Astrophysics

ISSN: 1432-0746 0004-6361

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 613

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201629243 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak