Transformaciones y rasgos discursivos del spot electoral en los comicios generales del 26J en España

  1. Nello Pellisser Rossell
  2. Paz Villar-Hernández

ISSN: 0719-3661

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 50

Pages: 275-298

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos.Info


Campaign ads have found in social networks a permanently open platform for dissemination that transcends the regulated space and time limits. This article presents an analysis of the ads broadcast by the parties with the highest parliamentary representation (PP, PSOE, Unidos-Podemos and Ciudadanos) in the Spanish Parliament in the period leading up to the 12th Legislature elections. Through descriptive and content analysis, we examined the ads released on YouTube for the Spanish elections of 26 June 2016 by these political groups. Among the most relevant results, we observe an increase in the number of campaign ads, clear disintermediation –by bypassing the legislation on electoral advertising which is in force of other media– and the preponderance of ads on programme issues and emotional appeals over others.

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