El inglés como medio de instrucción (EMI) utilizado en el grupo de alto rendimiento académico en el grado de farmacia de la universidad de valencia

  1. Nadezda Apostolova 1
  2. María Carmen Montesinos Mezquita 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Valencia, España
Docencia, ciencia y humanidades: hacia una enseñanza integral en la universidad del siglo XXI
  1. Marc Pallarès Piquer (coord.)
  2. Javier Gil Quintana (coord.)
  3. Antonio Santisteban Espejo (coord.)

Publisher: Dykinson

ISBN: 8413773202 978-84-1377-320-9

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 1370-1387

Type: Book chapter


In recent years, there has been increased focus on the need of internationalization of the higher education institutions in Spain. Since the academic year 2011/2012 and in accordance with the policy for teaching in foreign languages in the higher education, several degrees at the University of Valencia offer “High Academic Performance Groups” (HAPG), which employ English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) methodology with at least 50% of the core credits delivered in English. The aim of this study was to assess several language-related aspects related to EMI in HAPG students of the Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Valencia. 70 3rd year HAPG students over the academic years 2017/18, 2018/19 and 2019/20 were assessed using a multiplechoice questionnaire (anonymous survey). Foreign students were excluded. When asked about the reason of their enrollment in the HAPG, more than 50% of the students replied that it was because it had greater international perspective and promised more internationalization in their future professional development than the ordinary studies. Almost 30% of students stated that they had enrolled in the HAPG because they wished to improve their English. The survey revealed that the level of English of HAPG students is sufficient as to be able to attend the classes and participate in all the activities, however students´ oral skills in English need to be improved. The initial certified level of English of most of the students is B2, obtained mainly by attending extracurricular language schools (>60% of the students); however, an important number of students obtain C1 level while studying the Degree. In conclusion, students that enroll in the HAPG in the Degree of Pharmacy have a satisfactory level of English; however, this competence in the context of EMI particularly regarding their oral skill needs to be improved. The majority of the students find enrolling in the HAPG a satisfying experience.