La construcción de un entorno colaborativo entre agentes implicados en la formación del profesorado de Secundariaalumnado, profesorado del Máster y tutores de prácticas

  1. Jardón Giner, Paula
  2. Sancho Álvarez, Carlos
  3. Rodríguez Gonzalo, Carmen
Investigar para acompañar el cambio educativo y social: el papel de la Universidad : libro de actas
  1. Calvo Salvador, Adelina (coord.)
  2. Rodríguez Hoyos, Carlos (coord.)
  3. Haya Salmón, Ignacio (coord.)

Publisher: Santander, AUFOP-Universidad de Cantabria, 2014

ISBN: 978-84-697-1382-2

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 1003-1011

Congress: Congreso Internacional sobre la Formación del Profesorado (13. 2014. Santander)

Type: Conference paper


The secondary school teacher education currently offers the possibility of creating an environment for collaborative work between the school system and the university has become a stimulus for teachers in secondary schools and a catalyst for university research. In the environment of the master’s degree in secondary school teacher educational at the University of Valencia we are working in action-research projects for the improvement of teacher training on: A teaching innovation project (Passarel•la Docent) and work sessions with teaching practice tutor, are the environments in which focus groups, exhibitions and surveys of best practices to develop improvement from the reflection on the professional profile in general and the current work context in particular. This reflection is guiding procedures and educational materials needed for each actor, whenever power sharing knowledge from interaction spaces. It is essential to know the different viewpoints of educators directly involved in teacher training and school practice through participation spaces that enable reflection and improvement to the process itself. The most relevant aspects that have emerged between students, teachers and tutors Master practices and needs to continue to some possible future lines of inquiry that can be shared with researchers and teacher educators from other universities are presented in this line.