Escala de satisfacción con la vidapropiedades psicométricas de inmigrantes en España

  1. Berrios-Riquelme, José 1
  2. Frias-Navarro, Dolores 2
  3. Pascual-Soler, Marcos 3
  4. Muzatto-Negron, Paola 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Tarapacá

    Universidad de Tarapacá

    Arica, Chile


  2. 2 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


  3. 3 ESIC Universidad
Revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1315-9518

Año de publicación: 2019

Volumen: 25

Número: 1

Páginas: 130-142

Tipo: Artículo

DOI: 10.31876/RCS.V25I1.27305 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Otras publicaciones en: Revista de ciencias sociales

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible


Satisfaction with life is a scale that has been widely used to study the measure of subjective wellbeing in different populations. This measure allows us to assess in a global way the elements that are relevant to a person’s current quality of life. The objective of the present investigation is to evaluate the psychometric properties of the scale of satisfaction with life in a sample of Latin American immigrants in Spain. The study has a non-experimental, survey-type and cross-sectional methodology. The sample size was 508 participants, who came mainly from Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia. To study the properties of the scale, the internal consistency tests were first carried out. A confirmatory factorial analysis was then carried out to determine the construct validity of the instrument. In third and last place, the convergent validity with the perceived emotions and the rooting was studied. The results support the one-dimensional structure of the satisfaction scale with life and provide a good psychometric evaluation. It is concluded that the scale is a reliable and valid measure to study the welfare of the Latin American immigrant community in Spain.

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