L-selectin regulates human neutrophil transendothelial migration

  1. Rahman, I.
  2. Sanchez, A.C.
  3. Davies, J.
  4. Rzeniewicz, K.
  5. Abukscem, S.
  6. Joachim, J.
  7. Hoskins Green, H.L.
  8. Killock, D.
  9. Sanz, M.J.
  10. Charras, G.
  11. Parsons, M.
  12. Ivetic, A.
Journal of Cell Science

ISSN: 1477-9137 0021-9533

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 134

Issue: 3

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1242/JCS.250340 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor