Relating second order geometry of manifolds through projections and normal sections

  1. Benedini Riul, Pedro
  2. Oset Sinha, Raul
Publicacions matematiques

ISSN: 0214-1493

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 65

Issue: 1

Pages: 389-407

Type: Article


More publications in: Publicacions matematiques


We use normal sections to relate the curvature locus of regular (resp. singular corank 1) 3-manifolds in R6 (resp. R5) with regular (resp. singular corank 1) surfaces in R5 (resp. R4 ). For example, we show how to generate a Roman surface by a family of ellipses different to Steiner’s way. We also study the relations between the regular and singular cases through projections. We show that there is a commutative diagram of projections and normal sections which relates the curvature loci of the different types of manifolds, and therefore, that the second order geometry of all of them is related. In particular, we define asymptotic directions for singular corank 1 3-manifolds in R5 and relate them to asymptotic directions of regular 3-manifolds in R6 and singular corank 1 surfaces in R4.

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