El conocimiento del mural contemporáneo, un paso previo a su restauraciónproyecto para la catalogación de murales contemporáneos en la ciudad de Valencia

  1. Mercedes Sánchez Pons
  2. Inmaculada Clavel Piá
  3. Mª Teresa Vicente Rabanaque
  4. Esther Nebot Díaz

ISSN: 2445-1150 1887-3960

Year of publication: 2006

Issue: 1

Pages: 53-58

Type: Article

More publications in: Arché


In this study we analyse the principle differences between contemporary wall paintings and traditional ones, both from a conceptual perspective: new speeches, ideas and planning; and a technological perspective: new techniques and materials. Through this analysis we outline the new aspects to take into account when planning an intervention that is specific for each object. The obtained conclusions to date are the first results of an I+D+I project financed by the Regional Ministry of Culture, Technology and Science for the classification and technical study of contemporary wall paintings of Valencia. The scope of this project is to diffuse knowledge of this particular form of contemporary artistic heritage, which is not included in the museum context and is, therefore, left to one side. The final goal is to create a technical database that can serve as a documentation source so that these works of art can be preserved and may face future interventions.