Proceso de selección flexible por competencias aplicado al puesto de Dircom
- Jácome López, Rita
- Canós Darós, Lourdes
- Boñón Gomis, Alexis Jacobo
ISSN: 2475-8752, 1541-8561
Year of publication: 2016
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Pages: 1-22
Type: Article
More publications in: Fórum Empresarial
The Communication Manager position is relevant to the reputation of an organization, because it influences through its own personal image and reputation; therefore, the selection of this manager has to be painstaking. In this paper we propose a flexible selection process based on fuzzy logic, to fit the skills of candidates for the job and to support decision making. We present two techniques:one that selects the best applicant and another one that compares candidates with an ideal constructed with information provided by Spanish managers.
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