Niveles de conciencia del profesorado en su función orientadora:una tipología enmarcada en la lógica difusa

  1. Alícia Villar Aguilés
  2. Sonsoles San Román Gago
  3. Francesc J. Hernàndez i Dobon
Educaçao e Pesquisa: Revista da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo

ISSN: 1678-4634

Ano de publicación: 2018

Volume: 44

Número: 1

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Educaçao e Pesquisa: Revista da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo


This article presents a work on what we have called levels of consciousness of teachers who are not specialized in educational and professional guidance functions following the notion of the so called fuzzy logic. This analysis is part of a research on secondary school teachers for the context, carried out in ten autonomous communities for two years, which seeks to get to know the different representations of teachers, considering that the identification of guidance models resulting from different elements of social nature. To do this, we analyzed the discursive material obtained through discussion groups in which teachers of secondary education participated in order to analyze their levels of consciousness about their guidance functions. As a result, we present a triple typology of teachers’ consciousness levels in their function of guiding students in the configuration of their forthcoming educational and professional paths. We distinguish between the level of consciousness of passive involvement, level of consciousness of active involvement and level of interventionist consciousness. The three levels differentiated in this typology we present in this article help us better understand how to approach the educational and professional guidance on the part of teachers.