Las asociaciones de inmigrantes como organizaciones no gubernamentales de desarrolloEntre la agencia y la adaptación institucional

  1. Cloquell Lozano, Alexis 1
  2. Lacomba Vázquez, Joan 1
  1. 1 Universidad Católica de Valencia. España
OBETS: Revista de Ciencias Sociales

ISSN: 1989-1385

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 15

Issue: 1

Pages: 105-136

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/OBETS2020.15.1.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: OBETS: Revista de Ciencias Sociales


Immigrant associations in Spain have progressively become a major player in cooperation development. In this sense, the political arena, favoured by the incorporation of co-development in public policies since 2002, facilitated the design of a framework with new opportunities for immigrant associations. As a result, many of them went through adaptation processes or even organizational hybridisation towards the conversion into NGDO. In this respect and in light of the results of a study about the state of development cooperation entities in Spain, we analyse and discuss whether these processes refer to the capacity for action on the part of immigrant associations, or, on the contrary, if they are framed in mere institutional adaptations facing the new political structure.

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by looking at the transformations of a significant number of entities, originally immigrant associations, into NGDOs, or, at least, their formalisation as such in the corresponding registry of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID to use its initials in Spanish). This organisational change can be interpreted in different ways: either as a “natural” result of the maturation of the associations and their integration into Spanish society, or as an expression of the immigrants’ own transnational commitment and their interest in promoting development cooperation with their countries of origin, or as a form of institutional adaptation to achieve greater public visibility or better political positioning in relation to the State and other social organisations. The main hypothesis of our work is that the conversion of immigrant associations into NGDOs requires a strategy at different levels in order to achieve greater social and political recognition, not only in Spain but also in their countries of origin. This strategic action could initially be framed by the migrants’ growing capacity of action and the strengthening of their organisational structures. However, the results of the present investigation have given rise to doubts over the extent of such changes. In fact, in 2018, almost half of the NGDOs of immigrant origin registered in the AECID at the start of our investigation were no longer listed as such, which raises questions over the robustness of their conversion process. The information used in this article originates from the R+D+I research project “El aporte del asociacionismo migrante a la sociedad civil española. Nuevos modelos organizativos y de relación con las Organizaciones No Gubernamentales de Desarrollo”1 (CSO2015-66181-R), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and ERDF funds. The study, whose main objective was to investigate the status of organisations in the field of development cooperation in Spain and their ties with immigrant association, was carried out between 2016 and 2018. The population of the study consisted of 2,072 NGDOs, which as of 12th October 2016, were listed as registered in the AECID registry. Stratified probability sampling was used in this investigation, taking into account the representative population size of each autonomous community. Therefore, a sample size of 332 NGDOs was used, bearing in mind their design, a sampling error of 4.9%, and a confidence interval of 95%. Furthermore, online surveys (created via the ‘Lime Survey’ computer application) and telephone surveys were used to collect the information. The data obtained through the surveys were subject to a preliminary exploitation using the SPSS statistical programme.

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