Intervención motivacional en un jugador de tenis

  1. Enrique Cantón Chirivella
  2. Violeta Esmeralda Expósito Boix
  3. David Peris-Delcampo
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Datum der Publikation: 2020

Nummer: 120

Seiten: 106-122

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Informació psicològica


A unique case study is presented using the triangulated mixed method design, conducted with a tennis player who aspires to be a semifinalist in a national individual tennis tournament and presents motivation problems. Eight weekly sessions were carried out and followed up, with the objective of strengthening the motivation components proposed in the motivational coaching model "The Canton’s Giraffe", using the Socratic dialogue. The efficacy of the intervention was assessed by a pre-post administration of the following three questionnaires: Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale, Self-Esteem Scale of Rosenberg, 1965), and General Self-Efficacy Scale from Schwarzer and Baessler. At the end of the intervention positive results were obtained in the variables measured, in accordance with similar studies. These findings highlight the need to conduct more research; especially in the sports field in order to optimize the use of "The Cantón’s Giraffe" as a tool and coaching as a psychological intervention methodology

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