Linear Coassembly of Upconversion and Perovskite Nanoparticles: Sensitized Upconversion Emission of Perovskites by Lanthanide-Doped Nanoparticles

  1. Estebanez, N.
  2. Cortés-Villena, A.
  3. Ferrera-González, J.
  4. González-Béjar, M.
  5. Galian, R.E.
  6. González-Carrero, S.
  7. Pérez-Prieto, J.
Advanced Functional Materials

ISSN: 1616-3028 1616-301X

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 30

Issue: 46

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/ADFM.202003766 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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