Cultura y cuerpo femenino. Aplicación de las categorías orientalistas a la obra Viento del este, Viento del oeste de Pearl S. Buck
ISSN: 1132-8231
Argitalpen urtea: 2018
Zenbakien izenburua: Cuerpos en venta
Zenbakia: 33
Orrialdeak: 151-167
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Asparkia: Investigació feminista
This article analyzes the novel East Wind: West Wind of Pearl S. Buck, in which the theses held by Edward Said in his work Orientalism are manifested in a unique way. Although Said has devoted himself to the study of the narratives of the Nineteenth and the first half of the Twentieth centuries that are aimed at the analysis of the cultural clash, he has not extended his theories to the dialectic masculinity-femininity. However, it is possible to recognize these same epistemological orientalist categories in the configuration of the constitutive accounts of the feminine essence. In this sense, the novel shows how this configuration of the feminine essence is realized through a violent and cultural process exercised on the body. In particular, the article focuses on three parallels between the orientalist thesis and the construction of the feminine essence: a) The East-West dichotomy; b) feminine-masculine bipolarity; and c) the dialectic body-soul, which show the insightful way in which the body narrative underlies the configuration of female existential self-understanding.
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