Análisis y crítica del discurso audiovisual y su imensión social en el caso de "Mad Men"

  1. Cabezuelo-Lorenzo, Francisco
  2. Cabrera García-Ochoa, Yolanda
La comunicación pública, secuestrada por el mercado
  1. Mateos Martín, Concha (coord.)
  2. Ardèvol Abreu, Alberto Isaac (coord.)
  3. Toledano Buendía, Samuel (coord.)

Argitaletxea: Sociedad Latina de Comunicación Social

ISBN: 978-84-939337-5-3

Argitalpen urtea: 2011

Orrialdeak: 127

Biltzarra: Congreso Internacional Latina de Comunicación Social (3. 2011. La Laguna)

Mota: Biltzar ekarpena


This paper opens and suggests an in-depth analysis of the successful TV drama series "Mad Men?. In order to make a appropriate analysis, it reviews all the bibliography concerning this drama. Starting from here, it focuses in the two main key point of success of the drama: the exact construction of the characters who is so easy to get closed and identified with, no matter the historical break of fifty years, and the brilliant aesthetic and visual reconstruction that helps us to travel back in time.