La participación de las mujeres en las spin-offs universitarias

  1. Inma Pastor 1
  2. Paloma Pontón 1
  3. Ana Acosta 1
  4. Ángel Belzunegui 1
  5. Empar Aguado 2
  6. María Poveda 2
  7. Ana Isabel Blanco 3
  8. Adelina Rodríguez 3
  1. 1 Universitat Rovira i Virgili

    Universitat Rovira i Virgili

    Tarragona, España


  2. 2 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


  3. 3 Universidad de León

    Universidad de León

    León, España


Lan harremanak: Revista de relaciones laborales

ISSN: 1575-7048

Year of publication: 2015

Issue Title: Las relaciones laborales ante el reto de una economía social y solidaria

Issue: 32

Pages: 70-83

Type: Article

More publications in: Lan harremanak: Revista de relaciones laborales


This paper aims to address the phenomenon of entrepreneurship from a gender perspective and, more specifically, to analyze the issue of low labor participation of women in university spin-off. The presentation highlights some of the results of research project «EQUASPIN: The labor participation of women. The case of university Spin-Offs». This project aims to address the the sexual division of labor effects on the creation of university spin-offs. Thus, we attempt to verify that the differences found in the creation of self-employment by gender also is expressed in the creation of universities spin-offs. Also, we observe the role of the university system itself in the production and reproduction of gender inequalities. This paper includes the results obtained after carrying out the analysis of several interviews with entrepreneurs, managers and directors of research groups, as well as the results of a survey to a sample of 52 spin-offs. The study includes universities of four regions. The geographical area selected corresponds to Catalonia, Valencia, Madrid and Castilla-Leon. In the analysis of the interviews there were identified five main positions: from denial to critical positions regarding gender inequalities at university entrepreneurship.

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