El paisaje funerario en el yacimiento romano de Santa (l’Alcora, Castellón). Lectura de un probable monumento funerario

  1. Pablo Medina Gil
  2. Josep Benedito Nuez
  3. José Manuel Melchor Monserrat
Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló

ISSN: 1137-0793

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 37

Seiten: 133-142

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Quaderns de prehistòria i arqueologia de Castelló


The site of Santa in l’Alcora (Castellón), is known historically by the amount of finds of Rome. Among them, special mention are various funerary inscriptions currently missing. During the archaeological works carried out during the construction of the road Sant Joan de Moró - l’Alcora (CV-190) on 2004, roman balneum were found associated with a rural settlement. The archaeological works also covered a series of surveys related to the layout of the historic road known as Camí dels Bandejats. Thanks to one of them, a quadrangular structure associated with Roman chronology was detected and excavated. In spite of its state of conservation, it was possible to document in its different archaeological layers and recover the rest of material culture. All this context, together with the location and orientation of the structure studied with respect to the layout of the Camí dels Bandejats, makes us think that we had the remains of a possible roman funeral monument.