Dimensiones del Ecosistema Digital Universitariovalidación del Instrumento «University Digital Ecosystem» (UN-DIGECO)

  1. Del Moral-Pérez, María Esther 1
  2. Bellver-Moreno, María Carmen 2
  3. Guzmán-Duque, Alba Patricia 3
  1. 1 Universidad de Oviedo (España)
  2. 2 Universidad de Valencia (España)
  3. 3 Unidades Tecnológicas de Santander (Colombia)
RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa

ISSN: 1695-288X

Year of publication: 2020

Volume: 19

Issue: 1

Pages: 9-27

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17398/1695-288X.19.1.9 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

More publications in: RELATEC: Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa


The purpose of the study was to design and validate the UN-DIGECO (University Digital Ecosystem) instrument, aimed at learning about the use that undergraduates make of social media and/or digital applications. The content and comprehension validation was carried out in three phases: construction, refining and psychometric validation, based on confirmatory factor analysis, supported by the initial theoretical construct. The items, designed by experts, are in line with indicators assigned to six theoretically defined dimensions: Learning, Social Interaction, Content Creation, Online Consumption, Leisure, and Recreational. Own indicators were integrated together with others adapted from similar published instruments. The preliminary version of the questionnaire was tested by a group of 25 students, some items were refined and redefined to facilitate their understanding. The pilot version included 44 items and involved 484 students from Spanish and Colombian universities. The authors analysed the latent structure of the items by applying exploratory factor analysis and, after examining the composition of the factor structure of the indicators, excluded the non-relevant ones. The results confirmed the existence of these six dimensions, which include 37 items, with a Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.8. The instrument and its components show appropriate psychometric properties of validity and reliability, being applicable to other contexts. The originality of the designed questionnaire lies in the structuring of the information, establishing and integrating six dimensions related to the use university students make of SM.

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