Estructura ocupacional y desigualdad social en España
Universitat de València
ISSN: 0210-0223
Año de publicación: 2020
Número: 258
Páginas: 37-57
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales
This paper focuses on the changes which have occurred during the last decade on the occupational structure of Spain and how they had an impact on the social structure of the country. Starting from the assumption that the new occupational structures are resulting in more complex societies, this paper seeks to answer the question as to whether they are contributing to a society which is more cohesive or polarized. Secondary data sources are used: the Survey of the Active Population (Encuesta de la Población Activa [EPA]) and the Annual Survey of Salaries (Encuesta Annual de Salarios) both carried out by the the National Institute of Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas). According to the data collected and analysed by the EPA there have been slight changes in the occupational groups of the three great classes established statistically which have primarily affected women, although it is not possible to answer the question as to whether Spanish society is more integrated or polarized. However, an examination of the salaries of the three largest occupational classes does provide an answer to this question. The data demonstrates that there has been an increase in inequality between the highest occupational class and the other two, the middle and lower classes. Therefore, it can be said that Spanish society is more unequal and has become more polarized.
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