Características colorimétricas de una pantalla con tecnología OLED

  1. Perales, Esther
  2. Chorro, Elísabet
  3. García-Domene, M. Carmen
  4. Fez, M. Dolores de
Óptica pura y aplicada

ISSN: 2171-8814

Datum der Publikation: 2010

Titel der Ausgabe: VIII Congreso Nacional del Color I

Ausgabe: 43

Nummer: 3

Seiten: 173-180

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Óptica pura y aplicada


In this work, the colorimetric characteristics of an OLED display have been shown. The luminance, dynamic range, primary constancy, the additivity and channel dependence have been studied in order to determine whether a physical characterization model can be applied. Moreover, the reproducible colour gamut of this display has been evaluated considering the associated theoretical colour solid. It has been checked that this OLED display has a good primary chromatic constancy, but however, it has a low additivity level. Therefore, this fact does not guarantee that the GOG model of characterization can be used, and it is necessary to modify this characterization method. On the other hand, the reproducible colour gamut is smaller than the theoretical colour gamut associated obtained from the white spectrum of the device. Nevertheless, this work is a preliminary study that should be completed with the study of different displays based on OLED technology with the objective to know properly the colorimetric properties of the OLED technology