Evaluación de un programa psicoterapéutico para cuidadores de pacientes con TCA: Estudio piloto

  1. Vanessa Pla
  2. Eugenia Moreno
  3. Inmaculada Fuentes
  4. Carmen Dasí
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 106

Pages: 28-40

Type: Article

More publications in: Informació psicològica


The objective of this research is to conduct a pilot study to evaluate a psychotherapeutic program for caregivers of patients diagnosed with eating behavior disorder. The program has been applied to 13 caregivers, all relatives of patients, and is composed of 12 sessions grouped in three blocks. The study is developed over a whole year, because the assessment of caregivers and patients is performed before intervention, at the end of this and follow-up evaluation at 6 months. The results of the caregivers have shown a significant improvement in the experience as a caregiver, less accommodation and more competition against TCA, increased family satisfaction, as well as decreased levels of anxiety and depression. In patients also showed a significant decrease of symptoms of the disorder

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