Obesity causes PGC-1α deficiency in the pancreas leading to marked IL-6 upregulation via NF-κB in acute pancreatitis

  1. Pérez, S.
  2. Rius-Pérez, S.
  3. Finamor, I.
  4. Martí-Andrés, P.
  5. Prieto, I.
  6. García, R.
  7. Monsalve, M.
  8. Sastre, J.
Journal of Pathology

ISSN: 1096-9896 0022-3417

Year of publication: 2019

Volume: 247

Issue: 1

Pages: 48-59

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1002/PATH.5166 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

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