Factores que influyen en las actitudes cívicas de docentes en formación desarrolladas a través del aprendizaje-servicioun estudio en el área de expresión corporal

  1. María Maravé-Vivas
  2. Jesús Gil-Gómez 1
  3. Óscar Chiva-Bartoll
  1. 1 Universitat Jaume I

    Universitat Jaume I

    Castelló de la Plana, España

    ROR https://ror.org/02ws1xc11

Bordón: Revista de pedagogía

ISSN: 0210-5934 2340-6577

Year of publication: 2019

Issue Title: Aprendizaje-servicio en la educación superior

Volume: 71

Issue: 3

Pages: 169-183

Type: Article

DOI: 10.13042/BORDON.2019.68338 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Bordón: Revista de pedagogía


INTRODUCTION. The choice of the teaching methodology is a very important decision since it will determine to a great extent the achievement of the learning objectives. The literature suggests that service-learning is a suitable methodology to promote effects in the personal, moral, social and civic learning of students. Nevertheless, there is little research explaining how certain socio-demographic factors could influence on them. This paper has two main objectives: 1) to show the service-learning as a suitable methodology for developing civic attitudes and 2) to provide empirical data to facilitate the methodological decision of teachers. METHOD. We used a quantitative method with a quasi-experimental design based in pre-test-post-test measures. A non-probabilistic sampling convenience was applied. 98 students (N = 98) of the Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education took part in the study. Particularly, we measured the effects of a service-learning program through the Civic Attitudes and Skills Questionnaire. Later we analysed how certain demographic variables such as the age of the participants, the access route to the degree, the students’ family academical background, the previous social participation, the ideological orientation and the employment situation influenced on them. RESULTS. The results show that these variables could significantly influence the effects caused by the service-learning program regarding the development of civic skills and attitudes. DISCUSSION. The interpretation and contrast of the results obtained provide elements of decision to the teachers when they have to opt for the incorporation of this methodology.

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