Importancia de la participación laboral como determinante del divorcio en España

  1. Carles Simó
  2. Montserrat Solsona
Papers de demografia

Year of publication: 2002

Issue: 210

Type: Working paper


The retrospective information in the Spanish Family and Fertility Survey of 1995 has an enormous potential to investigate labour participation as a explicative covariate of union dissolution. We have studied the propensity of such a determinant for the 1966-1995 union cohorts, while evaluating its relative predictive power within an explicative model including three dimensions: the socialization of the partners, their educative and professional skills and the union characteristics. The results are robust: for women being employed and for male being unemployment have a positive relationship with union break-down. The net effect of labour participation, living in a consensual union, and growing up in a large cities shows a high predictive powerin our the exponential regression models

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