Inclusió educativa i aprenentatge-servei a l’àrea de Didàctica de l’Expressió Corporal

  1. Oscar Chiva-Bartoll 1
  2. Jesús Gil-Gómez 1
  3. Maria Maravé-Vivas 1
  1. 1 Universitat Jaume I

    Universitat Jaume I

    Castelló de la Plana, España


UTE Teaching & Technology: Universitas Tarraconensis

ISSN: 1135-1438 2385-4731

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 1

Pages: 6-18

Type: Article

DOI: 10.17345/UTE.2018.2.2477 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: UTE Teaching & Technology: Universitas Tarraconensis


Education in general, and especially initial teacher training, cannot be understood without a clear and determined component of social transformation. Service-Learning (SL) reinforces this type of training, becoming a very spread pedagogical approach nowadays. In this article we describe the application of SL through the program Patis Inclusius, applied by pre-service teachers and executed in a Primary and Childhood Education School. The aim of this SL application was to favour the scholar inclusion of pupils of childhood and primary education who presented developmental and/or communication disorders. The Patis Inclusius program was designed in accordance with the guidelines established by the National Youth Leadership Council of the United States, developed in the document "K-12 Service-Learning Standards for Quality Practice." These criteria are structured around the following axes: curricular connection, duration and intensity, useful and meaningful service, social alliances, student participation, process supervision, diversity and reflection". The text presents an initial theoretical justification, a contextual approach to the application framework and a final description specifying the aforementioned criteria.

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