El juego como estrategia de aprendizaje y desarrollo motor en alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales

  1. Óscar Chiva Bartoll
  2. Lorena Zorrilla Silvestre
  3. Jesús Gil Gómez
Investigación e innovación en Inclusión Educativa: Diagnósticos, modelos y propuestas
  1. Verónica García Martínez (coord.)
  2. Silvia Patricia Aquino Zúñiga (coord.)
  3. Jesús Izquierdo (coord.)
  4. Pedro Ramón Santiago (coord.)

Publisher: Red Durango de Investigadores Educativos

ISBN: 978-607-9063-45-0

Year of publication: 2015

Pages: 243-265

Type: Book chapter


This chapter discusses the benefits of motion games for people with Special Education Needs (SEN), as an inclusive education strategy. Having special characteristics cannot be a reason for children with SEN not to participate with their classmates in motion activities or games. Building upon argumentative and methodological tenants in the model of Toulmin (1958) and Toulmin, Rieke and Jamik (1984), this chapter puts forwards a number of considerations to plan motion games. It will start with a brief definition of the concepts of SEN and motion games. Within the concept of SEN, we focus on children with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and Down syndrome, as they are the groups our research team assists. Our discussion comes to an end presenting a set of inclusive education guidelines to meet the characteristics and special needs of the clientele addressed in the chapter.