La fiesta barrocalos reinos de Nápoles y Sicilia (1535-1713)

  1. Mínguez, Víctor
  2. Pablo González Tornel
  3. Juan Chiva Beltrán
  4. Inmaculada Rodríguez Moya

Publisher: Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions ; Universitat Jaume I

ISBN: 978-84-8021-994-5

Year of publication: 2014

Type: Book


During the 16th and 17th centuries, Spanish Monarchy governs, with relationships, wars and dominations, the kingdoms of Naples and Sicily, and will turn them into viceroyalties, moving the Spanish territorial administration merged with native elements. This third volume of the series Triunfos Barrocos keeps the refinement and finesse of the previous editions, and provides to the scholars a beautiful set of festive images of the big kingdoms of the southern part of Italian Peninsula that, during two centuries, united their destinies to the Spanish Crown.