Received signal strength-based indoor positioningintegrative outlooks and solutions

  1. Mendoza Silva, Germán Martín
Supervised by:
  1. Joaquín Huerta Guijarro Director
  2. Joaquín Torres Sospedra Co-director

Defence university: Universitat Jaume I

Fecha de defensa: 03 March 2020

  1. Francisco Javier Zarazaga Soria Chair
  2. Michael Gould Secretary
  3. Antonio Pérez Navarro Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 615894 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


This thesis mainly deals with the stages of model description and evaluation of Indoor Positioning Systems based on fingerprinting. Its first contribution is a meta-review that addresses the current state of the art and provides a critical assessment of the impact of publications on indoor positioning. The second contribution is two open datasets of WiFi and BLE RSS measurements that encourage experimentation and reproducibility of positioning solutions. The third is a set of guides, tools, and methods to improve the collection of WiFi and BLE samples. The fourth contribution is a method of selecting positions to update the characterization of the environment. The fifth contribution is evaluation guides and a procedure to measure the positioning error where the magnitude of the error is the distance of the route that joins the actual position and the estimated position.