Estudio exploratorio de los rasgos y facetas de la personalidad en estudiantes universitarios que realizan binge drinking

  1. Patricia Motos Sellés
  2. María Teresa Cortés Tomás
  3. José Antonio Giménez Costa
  4. Beatriz Martín Del Río
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Year of publication: 2019

Issue: 117

Pages: 2-17

Type: Article

More publications in: Informació psicològica


There are personality factors that are related to the practice of binge drinking (BD) among Spanish university students, a pattern of consumption associated with serious biopsychosocial implications. The aim is to explore the relationship of the personality traits and facets according to the level of severity of BD. The participants were 601 students from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche between 18 and 20 years old (64.1% women) completed a self-registration of the consumption pattern and the Spanish adaptation of the NEO-PI-R. BD groups have been differentiated by different intensity and frequency levels, both in males and females. The results show the existence of certain relationships between some facets of personality and the different types of BD consumers. Specifically, in men who perform BD more regularly, it is recommended to specifically attend facets of the Openness and Agreeableness dimensions. As for the most extreme BD women, the dimension of Neuroticism is the one that stands out, specifically the Impulsivity. Finally, it would be important to work on aspects related to the Excitement Seeking among men who consume larger amounts.

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