Comparación de psicopatología en pacientes dependientes del alcohol, de cocaína y policonsumidores

  1. Belda Ferri, Lorena
  2. Cortés Tomás, Maite
  3. Tomás Gradolí, Vicente
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Ano de publicación: 2010

Número: 4

Páxinas: 395-411

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista española de drogodependencias


This work intends to evaluate the psychopathology and the characteristic profi le of polyconsumers of cocaine and alcohol (n=14), patients dependent on alcohol (n=10) and patients dependent on cocaine (n=11) who start treatment as outpatients. A set of tests has been developed: SCL-90-R, BDI, MCMI-III and the Barrat Impulsiveness Scale. The results show that polyconsumers make an earlier request for treatment and have been consuming during less time. All the groups show high impulsiveness and light symptomatology on depression. On the SCL-90-R, the three groups show a similar profi le except on the Paranoid Ideation scale, where the consumers of one substance get a higher score. According to the Millon, on patients dependent on alcohol, the widespread pattern of mistrust on others and the delirious ideas which they may show should not be neglected, as well as the anxious symptomatology. Furthermore, it is important to pay attention to the antisocial features on the cocaine group and the narcissist features on polyconsumers. Finally, we should highlight the signifi cance obtained in the scales of alcohol dependence and dependence on substances, which confi rms the appropriateness of the distribution of the sample in the three groups contained in this research.