Combined spectroelectrochemical and theoretical study of a vinylene-bridged sexithiophene cooligomer: Analysis of the π-electron delocalization and of the electronic defects generated upon doping

  1. Casado, J.
  2. Miller, L.L.
  3. Mann, K.R.
  4. Pappenfus, T.M.
  5. Kanemitsu, Y.
  6. Ortí, E.
  7. Viruela, P.M.
  8. Pou-Amérigo, R.
  9. Hernández, V.
  10. López Navarrete, J.T.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B

ISSN: 1089-5647

Ano de publicación: 2002

Volume: 106

Número: 15

Páxinas: 3872-3881

Tipo: Artigo

DOI: 10.1021/JP0145210 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable