Exchange interactions through hydrogen-bond bridges. Crystal structure, spectroscopic characterisation and magnetic properties of the complex [{Cu(en)}2(μ-egta)] · 4H2O (H4egta = 3,12-bis(carboxymethyl)-6,9-dioxa-3,12-diazatetradecanedioic acid)

  1. Escrivà, E.
  2. Server-Carrió, J.
  3. García-Lozano, J.
  4. Folgado, J.-V.
  5. Sapiña, F.
  6. Lezama, L.
Inorganica Chimica Acta

ISSN: 0020-1693

Year of publication: 1998

Volume: 279

Issue: 1

Pages: 58-64

Type: Article

Sustainable development goals