Influence of the peripheral ligand atoms on the exchange interaction in oxalato-bridged nickel(II) complexes: An orbital model. Crystal structures and magnetic properties of (H3dien)2[Ni2(ox)5]·12H 2O and [Ni2(dien)2(H2O)2(ox)]Cl2

  1. Román, P.
  2. Guzmán-Miralles, C.
  3. Luque, A.
  4. Beitia, J.I.
  5. Cano, J.
  6. Lloret, F.
  7. Julve, M.
  8. Alvarez, S.
Inorganic Chemistry

ISSN: 0020-1669

Argitalpen urtea: 1996

Alea: 35

Zenbakia: 13

Orrialdeak: 3741-3751

Mota: Artikulua