lnfraerupción de molares permanentesestudio de 22 casos

  1. José Antonio Canut
  2. José Luis Gandía
Revista Española de Ortodoncia

ISSN: 0210-0576

Ano de publicación: 1992

Volume: 22

Número: 3

Páxinas: 129-143

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista Española de Ortodoncia


Lack of eruption, infraeruption or retention of per manent molars has four different etiologies: infra or supragingival obstructive factors, ankilosis and idiopathic lack of eruption. Examination of 6000 orthodontic patients leads to the finding of 22 cases of infraerupted molars (0.37%). Clí nica! symptoms are: eruptive delay, ankilosis, idiopathic eruptive failure, impactation, root dysplasia, occlusal ano maly, heredity and associated pathology. Treatment goes from exodontia or crown reconstruction to luxation and orthodontic treatment . The type of treatment is related to the bony maturation of the patient.