La percepción de la atracción interpersonal: un estudio sobre las características personales que resultan más atractivas

  1. Carolina Muñoz Martínez
  2. Gemma Pons-Salvador
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Ano de publicación: 2012

Número: 103

Páxinas: 62-72

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Informació psicològica


Interpersonal attraction includes a need of affection and interdependence that includes historical variables, cultural, biological and psychosocial. These variables are constantly changing being recommended new investigations. The present study aims to evaluate the personal characteristics which are more attractive in 56 men and 71 women with a median age of 27 years. Results show that people usually feel more attracted to individuals of a healthy appearance, who represent socially acceptable values, who have an adaptive personality in living whith a partner and that have a similar cultural level to theirs. However some differences were found between the sexes: men value physical attractiveness and beauty more and women consider hygiene to be more important. To the subjects without a partner physical attraction and beauty are more important. Finally, to subjects who perceive themselves as a very attractive individuals they tend to look more for physical attractiveness

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