¿Influye el valor percibido de las aplicaciones de comercio móvil del sector moda en la aceptación de las alertas publicitarias?
- Miluska Murillo Zegarra 1
- Carla Ruiz Mafé 1
Universitat de València
ISSN: 2254-3376
Year of publication: 2019
Volume: 8
Issue: 4
Pages: 119-135
Type: Article
More publications in: 3c Empresa: investigación y pensamiento crítico
This study analyzes the influence of the perceived value, from a hedonic-utilitarian perspective, of mobile commerce applications of fashion products in the acceptance of mobile advertising alerts. The data was collected in Spain through a structured online questionnaire answered by 340 consumers who buy fashion products exclusively through a mobile commerce application. The results showed that utilitarian and hedonic value positively influence the acceptance of mobile advertising alerts. The study provides management implications for the development of marketing and communication strategies
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