Independencia residencial y dedicación laboral de los jóvenes españolesUn análisis por Comunidades Autónomas

  1. Mª Consuelo Colom Andrés 1
  2. Mª Cruz Molés Machí 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


Revista de estudios regionales

ISSN: 0213-7585

Datum der Publikation: 2019

Nummer: 116

Seiten: 187-211

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de estudios regionales


The way to adulthood has multiple transitions: leaving education, joining the labor market, leaving the parental home, and creating their own family and having children. All these transitions are marked by the different familiar, social and economic contexts; as well as by expectations and personal predisposition of young adult. Social, economic and cultural changes undergone by western countries in recent decades have prolonged the incorporation and, specially, the labor consolidation of young people. The instability and precariousness of labor situation of young adults with declining employment prospects, the increasing demand for higher education and the rising cost of living, which has increased the resources needed to start a family, have prolonged the dependence on parents. The delay in the age of emancipation of young people entails important demographic consequences, the marriage is delayed and the birth rate decreases, which produces a mismatch in the structure of society.

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