¿Cómo pueden crear valor las empresas adquirida y adquirente en un proceso de integración aprendiendo del socio o con el socio?

  1. Consuelo Dolz 1
  2. María Iborra 1
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España

    ROR https://ror.org/043nxc105

GCG: revista de globalización, competitividad y gobernabilidad

ISSN: 1988-7116

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 8

Issue: 3

Pages: 96-112

Type: Article

More publications in: GCG: revista de globalización, competitividad y gobernabilidad

Sustainable development goals


Acquisitions between firms can create value through learning between acquirer and target firm well transferring knowledge from on partner to the other well creating new knowledge. The success in these acquisitions relies on the integration process, achieving that the knowledge of both partners is retained in the combined firm and that new knowledge is created or transferred. The aim of this work is to demonstrate that knowledge is a source of value creation in acquisitions and to analyze how firms are integrated in order to achieve knowledge transfer or knowledge creation. Specifically, we analyze three key management choices of the integration process, the autonomy level, the level of socialization and the level of formalization. Through a study of 45 Spanish acquisitions we demonstrate that the transference and the generation of knowledge are source of value creation. We demonstrate that knowledge transfer between the partners demands an integrations process with low autonomy, high socialization and high formalization. We also demonstrate that integration process when the aim is to generate new knowledge and innovation relies on high socialization.

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